
Fortify Gym was born out of the desire to create a space that allows people to come together to improve their lives through physical health, mental strength and being part of a community. Having been involved in the sport and fitness industry his whole life and inspired by extraordinary individuals on all sides of the globe, Julien has seen first-hand over and over again the positive impact that maintaining physical fitness has on all aspects of our lives. At Fortify we believe that training is one of the pillars of building resilience, which is by definition the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. We believe this extends to physical, mental and emotional life challenges.

What type of gym is Fortify?

At Fortify our Group Classes and Personal Training focus on strength and conditioning. This means you will improve your strength and cardio fitness whilst moving safely and efficiently in all situations. At Fortify we teach you to perform strength and conditioning movements like squatting, the pushing motion, the pulling motion, bending movements and stepping/lunging with proper muscle and joint function. Learning to perform these functional movements correctly aids you to be bio-mechanically efficient with everything you do, both during your fitness training and daily life activities. This is important for maintaining good health and avoiding injury. 

We are proud to be affiliated with 98 Gym and we bring you their weekly class program that is scheduled in a way that sets you up for success by providing the right balance of strength, cardio and recovery throughout the week.

You can learn more about our classes here.

Elite Athlete Training

Fortify offers specialised elite athlete training. Julien, our Fitness Coach, has had the opportunity to train many elite athletes during his career and has a special interest in this area. He has worked with professional Rugby League Players, swimmers, runners, and rowers to name a few. He also loves working with up and coming athletes working towards achieving a particular goal or level of performance . Please contact us to discuss how this type of training may work for you.


  • Biometric (finger print) entry system

  • Wide range of cutting-edge Aussie Strength and concept2 strength and conditioning equipment including:

    • 4 x free standing Valkyrie cells. (6 squat racks)

    • The latest range of Concept2 Ski Ergs, Rowers and Bike Ergs

    • Dumbbell and Kettlebell sets

  • 160sqm of open-plan gym space

  • Brand new shower and toilet facilities

  • Digital Code Lockers

  • Complimentary toiletries

  • Private car park for patrons (open from 7am Mon-Sat and 8am Sun)

Opening Hours

Monday to Sunday - 5am - 9pm via biometric entrance

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